Emiswap Presentation Event: Quick Recap!

3 min readJul 8, 2022


Hey Emiswapers, let’s briefly recap what we discussed in our previous online event!

What is Emiswap?

Emiswap is a multi-chain DEX giving high-yield APRs for liquidity mining with DAO governance. It gives up to 2000% APR for farming, integrated with 8 blockchains, and distributes DEX fees with ESW tokenholders. Has a rare 3-level partnership program that enables earning commission fees from your referrals.

Top Emiswap Features:

  • Grant by Aurora and Gate Chain.
  • Audited by Hacken and BlueSwarm.
  • NFT and DeFi in one product.
  • Programs for liquidity mining — 180% & 365% APR in native ESW token.
  • 8 blockchains are integrated.
  • Referral program 3%, 2nd level, 5%, 3rd level, 7% from rewards earned by your referrals.
  • Emirex.com is a centralized exchange with 20 M daily trading volume in the ecosystem.
  • Emiswap distributes 0,05% of DEX fees among ESW holders.

EmiRouter: a new product on Emiswap (under development)

EmiRouter is a protocol that helps users transfer their liquidity between various blockchains in a couple of taps, yielding positive slippage. The protocol with SDK aggregates various bridges, and DEXes are strengthened by EmiRouter’s proprietary oracle and arbitrage algorithms, helping users find the best routes for their swaps.

In other words, the protocol helps users to transfer, for example, their 100$ on the source chain to 102$ on the destination chain (the feature is under development). Using our MVP, you can already transfer your liquidity from Polygon to Avalanche and vice versa on https://emiswap.com/bridge.

Our Upcoming activities

  1. Yield boosting NFTs.

Meet the collection of yield-boosting NFTs: EmiChicko Space Stars (5 888 pieces) and EmiRoko Secret Heroes (3 888 pieces). Each gives you a chance to gain more from your farming and staking rewards on Emiwap DEX. You can also trade them on any Polygon chain NFT marketplace. But don’t do it. Who knows, maybe they will have more utility in the future? :)

Collect both by accomplishing social tasks with liquidity provision and receiving aggregated rewards of 15% and 30% of your farming rewards. All that is in addition to the 180% and 365% APR on Emiswap DEX. Your aggregated total rewards are: LP 180 >> > 195% | Farm 365 >> > 395%.

  1. Rewarding Educational Quiz Competition.

You can share the prize pool of 800,000 ESW tokens! We will publish 1 article per day on various channels: TG, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, and Facebook. In total, six articles. You have to read this article and answer 5 questions after each one in our quiz bot on Telegram. Each correct answer will give you 1 point. The more correct answers you get, the more points you get. All the tokens will be distributed among all the participants in the following percentage proportion:

  • Users who get 25 points will share 40% of the total prize pool, which is 320 000 ESW.
  • Users who get 20–24 points will share 30% of the total prize pool of 240 000 ESW.
  • Users who get 15–19 points will share 20% of the total prize pool of 160 000 ESW.
  • Users who get 10–14 points will get 10% of the total prize pool of 80 000 ESW.
  1. New farming pools on the polygon network.

In line with ChikoRoko and the Rewarding Educational Quiz Competition, we will launch a 365% APR campaign on Polygon.

To participate, you should:

Create an LP token by putting any token into a pair without ESW, for example, USDT + MATIC, then put this LP into the farming pool with ESW and get 365% APR for liquidity provision + 0,25% from the commissions in this trading pool + extra farming rewards from the created pool.

Example: 1000 in USDT + 1000 in MATIC = LP (USDT+MATIC) + 2000 in ESW.

All the dates will be announced on our social media. Stay tuned!




The first decentralized AMM exchange with NFTs and ESW governance token that compensates 100% gas on Ethereum and distributes 100% of trading fees